The Tendency...What is it with these gold miners and dilution – like an epidemic? Surly that’s not the only way to make money and the market hates it… yet they still do it? What’s up?
If you can’t make a mine work… put it in mothball until you can!
It costs a lot less to do so - then to sell - at a loss. That’s common sense - NO? Better yet, you could keep the gold in the ground and buy more on the open market when it’s cheaper than it is to mine. Now that would be smart management.
No miner should pull out of the ground at a loss when they can buy it for less – RIGHT!
It’s like the managers of some mines have a certain “mindset” and don’t want to do what they can - in any event - for the shareholders and their own profit… GREED.
Very interesting times to come! It looks like next spring will bring even more value if the rates continue to climb and the fed stops "fixing" - let's see if that happens... without a deep slowdown or a crash.
Once an economy is addicted to FED crack... it's hard to go straight.