this discovery. After you read this you will definitely want to buy: 4Goldstrike discovery in the context of global deposits of this type The Geological Survey of Canada gives the average grade for this type of deposit worldwide as 7.6 grams per tonne. Individual veins vary from a few centimetres up to 5 metres, and their length varies from 10 up to 1000 m*. The minimum mining width for high grade gold veins is commonly accepted to be 1.5 metres. Goldstrike's best intersections from preliminary exploration drilling (10.91 grams per tonne over 10 metres at Goldstack, and 7.60 grams per tonne over 9.3 metres at VG) are well within the range of mineable grades and thicknesses for these kinds of deposits worldwide. The Geological Survey of Canada article also states that the vertical extent of the orebodies is commonly greater than 1 km and reaches 2.5 km in a few cases. By intersecting gold-mineralized shoots only 7.25 metres and 3.23 metres vertically below surface, it is clear that this preliminary shallow drilling has only scratched the surface of the Plateau South gold system. Both high grade mineralized shoots discovered to date remain open for resource drilling to depth. In addition, there are numerous other areas of similar high grade mineralization on surface along a 25 kilometre trend that remains open, clearly demonstrating the potential for multiple additional gold discoveries on the property. The USGS has stated that deposits of this type account for the second largest amount of gold production of any major mineral deposit type worldwide, after the Witwatersrand deposits of South Africa**. All evidence to date indicates that Goldstrike has made a significant discovery with enormous upside potential, and that it has barely scratched the surface of a new regional scale gold system. It is clear from the article below that the Northern Miner recognizes the significance of this discovery and the very large upside potential of this property, including their comment that the structure, alteration and host rocks as described form "a perfect scenario for gold mineralization".