TSXV:EPO.H - Post by User
Post by
srpaton Sep 18, 2013 8:52am
Post# 21747893
Belarus softening stance on reforming BPC with Uralkali
Belarus softening stance on reforming BPC with Uralkalihttps://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/18/belarus-potash-uralkali-idUSL5N0HE1G820130918
Maybe that means that the newfound drama in the potash market is coming to an end.
As for technical analysis is concerned -- it is very relevant -- until it isn't. If Encanto lands an offtake agreement for 2M tonnes per year, it would set them aside from every other potash junior out there since an offtake agreement of that size would be sufficient to obtain project financing. If Encanto lands an offtake agreement AND comes up with financing, you are looking at a very valuable company.
The question you need to ask is what the value is for a potash junior that has a significant offtake agreement that is backed by a consortium of fertilizer companies that also has the seal of approval from the government? Then ask what that value is once financing is obtained and project construction is started. Technical analysis and 300M shares outstanding have absolutely nothing to do with those answers.
Comments welcome, especially if you actually own shares of the company.