Blackberry don't have an Inventory buildup !Inventory at last FQ1 2014
Finished goods $80M
Work in progress $629M
Raw Material $644M
Provision for obsolete phones ($469M)
Total Inventory $887M
They actually has only $80m worth of phones and they have a provision of $469M in case
those $80M phones don't sell ( overkill )
The work in progress and raw material costs are for the new phones, yet in production.
Yes BB work in progress has gone up, showing that their production has gone up and
its combined that of the previous two Quarters.
Most of that production will be shipped in Q2, so expect a blow out Revenue in Q2
Do expect more attacks from the Media and Analysts to scare Investors into selling out,
while Blackberry is in one of their many Quiet periods.
Only my opinion.