AGM ContinuedJust to confirm...getting the right questions asked...that are germane to giving us 1) hope 2) moving the stock price and 3) a reasonable value proposition is what would be helpful.
It's good to keep in mind that positive opinions, no matter how well intentioned, does NOT move the stock. RVX is like an old worn out shoe now with all the time that has passed in the eyes of long time shareholders and is long forgotten in the daily scheme of things by the general public. Not to be caustic or disrespectful at all but share price and current lack of continued information is what it is. One dollar a share will be a great short term AND long term goal.
History is NOT on our side when looking at startup up biotechs. It's almost like having to win the lottery! Having said all this I hope the attendees at the AGM press management with the hard questions. At the end of the the years ahead, we will all be dependent on patients personal physicians to recommend and prescribe this drug AFTER a great Phase III and AFTER it get FDA approval and AFTER a great national marketing and public awareness program.
Best Case: it will be years (most of us won't still be alive) before the revenues earned by big Pharma will justify the huge 1) upfront payment and milestone payments and 2) the cash outlay for Phase III.
We need management to address these comments and shoot them down and tell us (me) how wrong I am to even be thinking this way. I'm an empty cup wanting to not respond positively to mindless pumping and well intentioned opinions..just the facts please.