TH CCB END MONTH ROUND UPThis month was a very interesting month, we hit a high of 37 cents and re-traced to 27 cent bid as of Friday.
I guess a lot of you are wondering as to why this happened!
i will give yo all my personal opinion:
first of all CCB ran up a dime very quickly, and when that happened ,some pressed the profit button, and generally when that happens, the sheep follow!
some of the buyers see this they stand at attention and don't move!
this normaly happens at the end of the month as some are over extended and have to even off their accounts.
alsoif there are day traders in the stock, they too must begin to settle their accounts.
Now that this over , i believe that the share price will begin to accelerate once again, it may be slow in the beginning, but it should reach , 29 to 30 by wed, as the new month kicks in.
Now if there is news in the next near while thats significant , the share price will begin its 35 to 40 cent climb.
canada Carbon so far is still the only company that has proven lump/graphite.high grade and very pure!
so all it has to do is keep expanding its deposit, and they are.
so the risk factor in CCB has been eliminated, THEY HAVE IT AND THEY WILL CONTINUE TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH THEY HAVE.
do your own reserach
the above is my research and personal opinions
i strongly suggest that you all do your own reserach
general kesef