Obagi=ValeantWhat did Valeant see in this company profitability was good and had good growth
Full-Year 2012 Financial Summary for the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Compared to 2011 For the full-year 2012, Obagi achieved:
- Net sales were $120.7 million in 2012, up 5.8% from $114.1 million in 2011;
- Gross margin was 79.2% versus 78.9% a year ago;
- Net income totaled $16.6 million, or $0.90 per diluted share, compared with $10.0 million, or $0.54 per diluted share a year ago;
These numbers were posted prior to being taken private by Valeant. I think it was the profit and the diversification in products they were after.
Valeant has these numbers as of
Last report $2.6 Billion in C A S H 06/13
Revenue 3.5 Billion Annual Sales 12/12
2013 revenue greater than $4.0Billion
This is our potential partner not Obagi...
Valeant has over 1000 health products and patents for those products this is the next step for the Obagi division. Valeant has cash to put behind this to be number 1.
License to be issued very soon. IMHO