Shorting I have to chuckle at the knuckelheads who show up only to attack me. They never contribute one iota of DD, but boy, give them a chance to show how brave they are, hiding behind their computer screens.......oooooh, I am so scared!
hahahahaha, what a joke.
And I laugh out loud at the losers who always think someone who isn't cheerleading like a schoolgirl, simply must be shorter.
I post about reality, not hopes, dreams, and fantasies.
I own MMT shares, but only for the dividend. I believe Mart will do everything in their power to maintain it, for reasons very few understand. I don't see much capital appreciation beyond $2, and that will only happen once the Umugini pipeline is in operation and we get more wells drilled and on stream. That could be well into 2014.
So go ahead and post your drivel and attempt to mislead people, means nothing to me.