RE:RE:RE:News from Novo Resources for comparisons .................Crystalmethod, I am well aware of the differences of the sampling metods here and the potential to bias samples when collecting channel samples, as well as core samples.
That being said, your overlook the two biggest differences and potential factors of sample bias:
1.) Ginguro uses a gamma radiation meter to bias their sampling towards the well-known association of the Ag-U (Uraninite) deposits that are found in the Matinenda, Mississagi and Gowganda Formations on their claim. I am not sure if Novo is prescreening drill locations with any field analytics.
2.) Secondly, these are sedimentry deposits, which are deposited horizontally in bedding planes, so obviously a channel sample can be taken along the horizon of pyrite rich bedding plane, where as a vertical borehole will just intersect it.
However, what Ginguro's results DO PROVE is that there a very rich deposit of gold in the bedding planes on their claim.....and basic principals of sedimentry geology dictate that similar sediments will be found throughout the same basin.
Sorry if you read too much into my simple statement, I am well aware of what I said, I've logged more more rock core than you've probaly ever seen, albiet for geo-environmental purposes.