Paid story tellers - must b Northern Ontario investment clubAH ! "DASHED HOPES".....brilliant. We should call our current IR program operation "DASHED HOPES" Yes Player, another "broken deadline" What about that "DIVIDEND", isn't that the IR equivalent of taking away a kid's IPOD. Let's analyze this...."we'll give it to them, so we can take it away" I still wonder what ever happened to that "counterfeiter" that infiltrated and managed to sell counterfeit horse product. Did we catch them, was there a court case ( the inaugural case ) ? I would expect a conference around this current sitaution, much like the CC in the summer to discuss the 4th delay of the VMC. Menawhile back at the ranch, we have over 50M new shares at an average of .32, and some very curious bullboard posters that have spent close to 9 years feeding stories to willing listeners. Great stuff really, the Canadian dream. Sqr Read more at