thank u winr88i appreciate the welcome. crabtree, you need to understand some basic facts. purepoint is the only co with deep relationships w 2 big boys. they trust purepoint w their dough and the operations bc they trust the team. ptu is using their money and yes w limited results but way more advanced than the moose pasture some people buy into. ptu is a real uranium explorer w an acctual defined budget and targets and significant land projects. its also the most pure play on the price of uranium. take a look at the charts and u may finally get it. i think u probably own all the wannabes like...well you own em so u know em. im giving u facts that winr88 knows and i know. deal w it. ptu will go up but more importantly than todays price, it will have a huge run when uranium moves while the others will be discounted. smart money. i would wish u good luck crabtree but im not sure you would know what to do w it. God bless me