The next gold bubble is almost hereby fall of 2014 at the latest. There is not going to be any QE Tapering (or maybe one for show for bernanke before he steps down in jan 2014) because the US and world economies are going down as the financial and political corruption collapses everything. The spring to september talk of QE tapering in the fall and then claim of the end of QE money printing by the fall of 2014 causing precious metals to collapse, was all a sham to make it look like the US and world economies were recovering, while all along the world economy was declining and refusing to buy the US treasury bonds more and more. Which was the reason for lying that the US and world economies were recovering and expect QE Tapering, in order to cover that up. Now the only stall on the gold and precious metals bubble, are the regular US gov't shut downs threats of defaulting, which are all phony since the US would implode right away and the world finanical situation and economies with it. Not that they won't anyway in a years time or so.
'Systems are Breaking in Treasury Bond Market-Dr. Jim Willie'