Denj you forgot Santa Fe has 5 kilometers of surface veinsWork to date has defined three main vein systems at Clavellinos, all of
which trend northwest and are sub-parallel with some cross veining.
>From west to east, these are the Jonas System, the Clavellinos System
and the Tajitos System. The Jonas system is located 120 metres west of
and parallel to the Clavellinos System, and the Tajitos System is
located 220 metres east of and parallel to the Clavellinos System. The
strike length traced at surface for Clavellinos has increased and is
now greater than 5 kilometres, Jonas has a strike length of 2.7
kilometres and Tajitos has a strike length approximately 1 kilometre.
The strike extensions of all three vein systems are vegetation covered,
and may mask greater strike lengths.
The Company has recently constructed approximately 8 kilometres of new
road access to the central portion of the Clavellinos area. This work
exposed at surface the aforementioned vein systems with a significant
discovery of a 40 metre wide mineralized alteration zone at the
Clavellinos System with three sub-parallel high grade epithermal veins
emplaced within.
Work to date at the Clavellinos area includes trenching, channel
sampling, mapping, structural interpretation, and geological modeling.
Channel and trench samples to date have returned the following results:
8.80 metres 1.96 140.19 1490 metres
8.32 metres 1.76 115.27 1470 metres
5.58 metres 2.94 271.16 1460 metres
18.40 metres 0.09 80.32 1300 metres
In addition, a significant feature of the vein systems at Clavellinos
is the identification of gold and silver mineralization over a vertical
extent significantly greater than what is found at the Company's
adjacent Mina Real Project. The vein structures on the Santa Fe Project
appear similar to those encountered at Mina Real where strong gold and
silver grades have been reported from the Company's mining activities