The VMC - "the benefits of a first degree burn"
Hows your math ?
Let's for argument say the VMC burned 500K / month over say 3 years...pause getting calculator...that's a whopping 18M burn benefit. And geez Wally, what's that gonna do to our 50% margin on our 30M ( DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS ) worth of revenue from Animal Health ?
Now let's just say that 51M shares were printed at an average of say .33, and an additional 10-15M ( see FTQ ) were "coughed up" an average of .30.....if the share price went to say $2, I would declare the first degree VMC burn highly beneficial to the 3rd degree nature of a rather attractive return...I'l let you do the math.
I think they should have promise a share buyback and then DONE NOTHING.........I've seen that move ....SWEET ! Or voluntarily moved to the Venture Exchange ( On first day back from Summer holiday ) without an OUNCE of explanation. Just some idea I've seen used to "create shareholder value in "similar plays"