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Newcastle Minerals Ltd A.NCM

Primary Symbol: V.NCM

TSXV:NCM - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by bepracticalon Oct 30, 2013 1:27pm
Post# 21862388

NM article

NM article
What caught my eye was that Bob Q.referred to Snowden as a world class resource estimator whereas Strathcona do not do resource calculations. In addition, he mentioned that Strathcona is more focused on mining.
The original plan was to use the bulk sample processing as the final validation. Strathcona came into the picture and preferred mini-sampling versus bulk sampling and the picture became very cloudy as the two QC's were off on different tangents. The Strathcona pick is still a mystery to me' and now the Company faces a long hard slog to change the current market sentiment and restore confidence in the project. A positive validation of the bulk sample area versus the Nov./12 resource calculation for the same area would be a good start.
Bullboard Posts