OTCQX:BGMZF - Post by User
Comment by
GoldExecuteon Nov 02, 2013 11:08am
Post# 21870837
RE:HEY GOLD EXCUTE RE: TWIN DRILL HOLESBX, I am looking for all 14 holes. I know that only 9 were TD, but surely the other 5 didn't just hit void right from the surface (or maybe they did). I would like to see the grades reported like you would in a standard press release. Can you tell me the grades of any other hole then CM12-02? I would like to see what kind of grades they are claiming will change the nature of this deposit. Based on claims by the company that MS Assay changes grade, it would be nice to see a table for each drill hole outling the assay for FA vs. MS and the interval. Back up the claim with Science. I still argue, BGM has not provided any information on the other 8 drill holes.... The comment is interesting as to the claim, but where the grades are in the Drill hole is what is important. If you can tell me the intercepts on hole CM12-01, CM12-03, CM 12-04 thru 14, I will admit that they have released the information.