Some pretty big wells A total of six gross (5.6 net) wells were drilled during the third quarter of 2013 resulting in five gross (4.8
net) oil wells. At Northgate, Saskatchewan the Company drilled two gross (two net) wells targeting the
Mississippian Midale formation. The initial well produced at a rate of 246 boe/d during the initial 30 days
of production, comprised of 204 bbls/d of 41O API light oil and 250 mcf/d of natural gas.
The second well has been on-stream for 14 days with production averaging 437 boe/d comprised of 316
bbs/d of 41O API light oil and 725 mcf/d of natural gas. A third well was drilled in early October and will
be on-stream by mid-November.
The Company plans on utilizing natural gas production from these wells to generate electricity at the
central Northgate battery site with up to 1MW of surplus electricity being sold into the SaskPower grid
with the balance used to run our own facility.
Longview has identified up to nine gross (nine net) additional drilling locations on this prospect.