OTCQX:BGMZF - Post by User
Comment by
Newfie75on Nov 09, 2013 1:26am
Post# 21891008
RE:RE:OUTSTANDING!!Kb7, I am also looking at 2$+ but it won't happen without news on production, an upgraded 43-101 with additional indicated ounces, and at least $1500 POG. Great assays may get us to $1 but production is key at this point. Lack of production is what has been management's downfall...over promising and under delivering. Production will provide confidence and revenue generation. It's what I'm waiting for...ever so patiently! I want to see a pour before the new year but I'm guessing early 2014. Maybe another run up to a buck before the holidays.
On a buyout note...I'd rather not see that until production is ongoing without disruption and an upgraded 43-101 is provided in March to May. By that time perhaps POG is back above $1400. A buyout could be realistic at $2.50-$3.75 under the above conditions IMO.