Stock growthLots of comments on the information scenerio , all good and judgemental.. Technical action , volume , charting , and various analysis . Chart wise a quick summary, 10 months , Jan to Aug moving average 2.50 then news a quick move up (a double) 5.00 .. Now last 2-3 months ,moving average 4.25. From this the first big news will be by FMC first 1/4 (JAN 14 ) . What to expect, a slow steady price rise into Jan. , then hold on to your hat. The news released will be analysed all ways, but on balance positive to the price to-day. A double on chart action alone , not bad for a 2 month hold . An opinion I hope for is a take out of RMC interests in Serbia only , and leave the co intact with their other interests and funds. Thats the one for further action by a well run company and free participation. All this info is available on existing charts, the opinion is my own , the expectations are a given. Fishing anyone the big one is now surfacing ...