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MNP Petroleum Corp MNAP

MNP Petroleum Corporation is engaged in the business of exploring for oil and gas, primarily in Central and East Asia. The Company is involved in the exploration projects in Tajikistan and Mongolia. The Company has a working interest in over oil fields located in the Fergana basin in Tajikistan. The Company carries out its operations both directly and through participation in ventures with other oil and gas companies. As of September 30, 2015, the Company has not commenced planned principal operations. The Company's subsidiary includes DWM Petroleum AG (DWM). DWM holds an equity interest in CJSC Somon Oil (Somon). Somon owns interests in approximately two Petroleum Exploration Licenses, which include Zapadnyi (West) and Severo-Zapadnyi (North West) blocks, onshore Tajikistan (Somon Licenses). Somon Licenses cover an area of approximately 840 thousand acres (over 3,396 square kilometers).

GREY:MNAP - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by Horn1369on Nov 11, 2013 2:31pm
Post# 21894828

RE:Completely wrong, 300 barrels a day currently TOTAL

RE:Completely wrong, 300 barrels a day currently TOTALThere are mroe than 300 wells on the property and after rework is done they will get between 50 to 3000 bopd from each well. I caculated the minimum per well. Read below from news release.

Manas Petroleum Corp. Company update

DWM Petroleum AG (“DWM”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Manas, is in the process of acquiring existing oil producing assets whose present output has the potential to be restored to earlier levels (between 50 and 3500 bopd per well) and possibly increased beyond that through the rehabilitation of these fields which are presently producing 300 bopd from depths greater than 100m.

These fields are presently run-down due to the break-up of the Soviet Union when the disappearance of ongoing investment coupled with the lack of access to newer technology resulted in these fields not being maintained. In addition to the assets’ rehabilitation potential for these fields, they have upside potential for additional development, exploration and appraisal.

Effective September 27, 2013, and subject to obtaining any regulatory approvals or consents DWM has opted to acquire 65% of the company that presently owns a majority interest in the Tajik operating company which holds the oilfield assets for an amount equivalent to USD 10.1 million dollars. This transaction is scheduled to be closed prior to year-end 2013. In addition, DWM is in actively in discussions with an investment group to provide the funding to acquire the remaining shares in the Tajik operating company as well as provide the necessary funding for the rehabilitation program.

In parallel, DWM’s technical field studies are continuing with more than 300 wells being analyzed and an initial work program in development. Presently there are approximately 100 wells are ready for work-over operations.

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