Dr. Robson have to gone
IMO TPL has the most bloated management for junior oilco I´ve ever seen. Doubling and even triplication of positions isn´t surpricing. We have for example:
1. executive Director, Chief Administrative Officer and Corporate Secretary - Liz Landles
2. Vice President Investor Relations – Sabin Rossi
3.Vice President Communications - Veronica Seymour
1. Chief Financial Officer - Bernard Murphy
2. Deputy Chief Financial Officer - Denise Lay
3. Vice President Finance - Clive Oliver
1. Vice President Project Development - Steve Elliott
2. Vice President Corporate Development and Asset Management - George Mirtskhulava
1. Vice President Operations - Luka Chachibaia
2. Chief Operating Officer - Graham Wall
and finally
1. CEO
2. president
G & A 20MM per year, it´s crazy for co like this!