What's with all the posts!
More posts here today than in a very long time. I have almost given up on this dog.(Sorry, no videos) It has been range bound for so long with the exception of the Inwentash deal last month. The descending triangle we have formed over the past year on the weekly chart is just dieing to bust to the upside to the tune of 70 or 80 cents. Hope we can get there before I turn 90 and my kids sell my shares after locking me in the loonie bin. I mean why else would someone own and hold this dog for years and not have it go anywhere. I must have drank some purple Kool-Aid when I wasn't paying attention. Now- any horse lovers out there? or ferret lovers? cookatiel lovers. How about Hutterites who love to Pumpkin? Sorry- no videos. Maybe next time?
HaHAHA-LOL speaking of censorship!! Had to spell Co3ckatiel wrong as it wouldn't let me post. Too funny!!
Rick The Vet