RE:RE:RE:Preliminary operational report.....Today's news release was definitely a disappointment for me. I wonder why the daily ore tonnage for Aug/Sep/Oct was only 1150 tons/day?
- The service cage project has been finished for a while
- The new larger skips were installed last quarter
- The #3 shaft can now hoist 2275 tons per day of ore+waste
- Most of the processing plant upgrades have been done (apart from the 4th ball mill) and the mill can presently process around 1500 tons/day
- For a while now they've been working to open up some new stopes underground
- For a while now they've been training the new inexperienced miners
- I don't recall that any major shutdowns were scheduled for this quarter
-- so, I wonder what went wrong? Why was the daily tonnage not 1400 -1500 tons/day?
I guess we'll find out in a few weeks, when they publish the Q2 financial results.