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Sirona Biochem Corp V.SBM

Alternate Symbol(s):  SRBCF

Sirona Biochem Corp. is a cosmetic ingredient and drug discovery company with a proprietary technology platform developed at its laboratory facility in France with a specialization in the stabilization of carbohydrate molecules. The Company is exploring the areas of diabetes, dyschromia, anti-aging, anti-cellulite and antiviral therapies and relies on a business model of licensing patents to large organizations in return for up-front and milestone payments as well as royalties. Its two most advanced programs are the cosmetic skin lightener and diabetes drug. The Company's TFC-1067 is for the treatment of Dyschromia (Dark spots on the skin). GlycoProteMim is a novel anti-aging compound. GlycoProteMim is based on the naturally occurring glycoproteins found in Antarctic fish, known to protect them against environmental stressors. It is focused on three current antiviral categories: Neuraminidase Inhibitors, Nucleoside Analogs and Iminosugars. Its wholly owned subsidiary is TFChem S.A.R.L.

TSXV:SBM - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by Clinterooon Nov 15, 2013 2:32pm
Post# 21910957


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:IR VERY QUIETNo problem wounded. I definitely don't give any weight to what is said on these Boards. They are generally for entertainment purposes. If you rely on anything on here then you are very foolish and deserve to lose your money. Good luck to everyone. Looks like $0.12 was the low. For now anyway. This company needs news. Without news we eventually go lower. Therefore we wait. 
Bullboard Posts