RE:part 4 of Stans ReportI really liked what Stan Sudol said in his final article of a 4 part series He said, "
big mining companies can make enormous mistakes, so every plan they propose is not sacred or untouchable". yet there has been so much emphasis on the building of a road into the ROF. On Oct 21 2013 in and article written by Maria Babbage of The Canadian Press it stated "
If it can’t build the road, Cliffs will have to consider shutting down operations, said Bill Boor, vice-president of ferroalloys". Why would Cliffs have to shut down operations if a road was not the mode of transportation into the ROF? The railway isn't going to cost Cliffs a dime to build, so why would a railway of which would service all the mining companies in the ROF cause Cliffs to consider shutting down operations especially when the costs to ship by rail is but a fraction of what it will cost them if they were to ship by truck via road? That just doesn't make any sense to me what so ever.