Forbes "within 3yrs entire US household will be smartTV'd"
A word to the wise:
“Traditionally, the US has been the strongest market for TV shipments globally,” Adams says, “where statistically Americans buy a new TV every three years. That means that in three years the entire U.S. will have Smart TVs. Because of this opportunity, the U.S. has the largest number of 3rd party developers offering applications on Smart TVs."
So only now is the iceberg that is the U.S. TV producer, manufacturer and even viewer melting. When Cisco agreed to buy NDS, a TV software company, two weeks ago, it was the price that proved the point this industry is hitting its stride.
Forbes Online
A article quote from TNG CEO Gupta himself....
“A $5 billion valuation,” says Vikas Gupta, CEO of Smart TV games distribution company TransGaming, “reinforces how important this space is and that the biggest companies in the world are doing what they need to do in order to further secure their position in this sector for the long-term. This is because there’s still a huge opportunity for someone to make a Smart TV service that really feels like TV, but it needs to be done from the ground up, so it doesn’t feel like a PC experience ported over to the big screen.”
Think its pretty clear actually-you don't have to be a rocket scientist or possess an engineer degree in computer science or have a Harvard Business Degree with a specialty in predicting market trends-just the way the TV is not littered with subscription based specialty channels there will be over smartTV's entire dedicated gaming channel(s) on a subcription packaged bases and companies like TNG will be behind the faceplate as a enabler for the service providers who will charge their customer base just like they do they do me now for crying out loud...a monthly user fee and share that $ flow with content/speed providers that enhance the end user exchange companies like TNG would be the net benefactor to exposure of a company like ROGERS distribution channel...its subscriber customer base-and this becomes the wholy grail to exponential earnings creation.
Forbes on Smart TV and Gupta comments.