Potential for carbonate‐hosted mineralisation
Barisan appears comparable in some ways to the highlands of PNG, in that there appears to be the potential for a limestone ‘cap’ or ‘lid’ on the district. In New Guinea, Porgera, Ok Tedi and Grasberg all occur at or near the base of the New Guinea limestone or equivalent unit (Gow and Walshe, 2005), and this type of stratigraphic architecture is believed to have been favorable for the confinement of vola tiles and development
of high‐grade mineralization.
Given the geological architecture of the Barisan district, and the presence of late‐stage, apparently quite intensely acidic fluids (particularly at Upper Tengkereng – where drilling is now), there may be an opportunity for targeting an unusual style of hybrid mineral deposit within the limestone ‘cap’ to the district. The Colquijirca and Cerro de Pasco deposits in Peru are examples of carbonate‐hosted high sulfidation deposits. In these examples, acidic magmatic‐hydrothermal fluids have interacted with highly reactive carbonate wallrocks (e.g., Fig. 6), which have provided an excellent chemical trap, resulting in up to 8 km of along‐strike sulfide mineralization at Colquijirca, zoned from a core of Cu‐Au thro gh Pb‐Zn to distal Ag‐ Bi. Barisan appears to be overlain by limestone, and it is possible that the acidic fluids that produced the clay alteration at Upper Tengkereng and/or Upper Ise migrated upwards into this ‘infinite ’ reservoir of acid‐ neutralising wall rock. If this happened, then any metals carried by those acidic fluids should have been precipitated during acid neutralization, producing carbonate‐hosted ores that could contain several percent Cu and base metal sulfides intergrown with alunite and clay minerals. Geochemical sampling at the base of the limestone and mapping of fault corridors that connect the porphyries with the limestone es may provide targets for this style of mineralizatio
reading and learning about the opportunity is essential before making decisions, thats why i do my research before commiting heavy dollars
you too must do your own research
general Kesef