RE:bash bash bash DUMB DUMB DUMBGuys,
Stop insulting each other. Make constructive analysis instead. Frankman is entitled to his opinion and belief. No matter warrants or not, we cannot argue the fact that there is alot of outstanding shares. If you don’t like what he’s writing, just ignore him.
Some negative facts (no bashing here):
Is gold in a bear market? Some senior and mid-producer have seen their stock cut in half. Are they the one that we would suspect a rebound first ? Exploration play are in one of the worst period in a generation. Are they doomed or it is an opportunity ? EAG have a lot of shares outstanding. We’re in a tax loss season. Pressure on losers.
Some positive facts:
We may have seen the lows. The survivors are cheap. Gold could go even lower but a rebound in 12 – 18 months could happen. EAG has “potential” but we won’t know before 2014 – 2015. In a rare interview, Ned Goodman mentioned that he’s a buyer of quality asset and that the province of Quebec was full of it. He doesn’t care about the short term share price. He’s an investor that looks for value. This guy has a lot of experience in the field. I think that this is a positive.
So, if you’re holding the bag, keep holding it. If you want to buy, you may wait but don’t bet the house. It is speculative, so allocation in this type of stock should be a small portion of your portfolio. Last thing, be patient. It is hard for a lot of human dough.
Good luck to all.