RE:RE:RE:Final Bulk Sample Tranche Estimate
All I can say is I sincerely hope your interpretation and optism is proved to be wrong , because if you are right, Farquason is vindicated and his concerns are proved valid. You have to rememvber the prime purpose of the BS is to confirm the accuracy of the geological model and the ore reserves derived from the model. If the remaining 1800 contains only 4 metres x 4 metres x a few cm of high grade Cleo, then any competant ore reserve geologist can correctly claim that the BS was not excessively "contaminated" by Cleo.
Another way to analyse all this is that the with assumed drift dimensions of 4 metres x 4 metres, and an assumed in situ ore Specific Gravity of 2.5, requires exactly 250 metres of drifting to produce 10000 tonnes. If you are right that the BS contains 50 metres of Cleo , then the BS does absolutely nothing to confirm the ore reserves, and would likely have to be repeated in order to satify the bankers who might finance future activities.
Be carefull what you wish for , major ounces from the BS, if proved to be external to known reserves, will cause WAY more problems than the extra revenue is worth