NOTEI have read the note in spanish and really doesnt bring anything new about the possible delimitation of the Paramo. However the note said that the new delimitation is already determined, and the President will anounce it in the next days. I find very weard that the decision taken has not leaked to other levels and made published.
The Conpes can be understood as the government entity in charge of the economical and social development of the rural areas in Colombia. If the new delimitation of the Paramo is extended and affects different economic activities such as agriculture, farming, livestock, mining and other activities, then Conpes has to bring or development different programs to create job for the local people affected. The Conpes does not compensate the mining companies affected by the new delimitation.
Also the Congresswomen mentions that a new fee for water use will be applied to the water of the Paramos. So I guess that there is no control, administration and planification regarding the water sources and use of the Paramos.