60. FGI’s claims against Ramsoondar are barred in whole or in part to the extent the damages alleged by FGI were caused, if at all, by non-parties, and not by Ramsoondar.
61. FGI’s claims fail in whole or in part to the extent they are predicated on the filing of United Protection for bankruptcy under the CCAA, which is an impermissible event of default under the law applicable here.
62. FGI’s claims fail in whole or in part for failure of consideration under the Guaranty.
63. FGI’s claims fail in whole or in part because the Accounts Agreement, by its terms, never became effective.
64. Ramsoondar reserves the right to assert additional affirmative defenses based upon further investigation and discovery.
65. Ramsoondar and United Protection, as and for their counterclaims against FGI, respectfully allege, upon information and belief, as follows:
66. Ramsoondar is an individual who resides at 5044 McLuhan Rd, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, TR 0J4.
67. United Protection is a Canadian corporation with its principal offices at 5909-83 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 4YE.
68. Upon information and belief, FGI is a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business located at 80 Broad Street, 22nd Floor, New York, New York 10004.