Not sure if RetailDube is one your "firends"...but I'd be careful. I've been around these boards for a long time, and I suspect Dube may be a "bad seed"....hope you haven't offered any personal info to him. I know that HT / CoCo seems to be "my twin" and I am intrigued by his level of "knowledge" Yup Beech it stinks round here and bad bud. Just be careful, sometimes people have "an agenda"
It's not quite that complex, but your ( and all your 'friends" ) attention to my commentary is a "tell"
It's likely a coincidence that you make what appear to be positive ( oh, and HIGH END ) observations about illiquid bio-techs that share the same consultants and IR firms.
* Like negative posting on YM Bio in the dollar range, before they were taken out at $3
* Or the concept that Spectral likely had 10 years to go for full "drug approval"
* I like your attention to the T.CUR insider buys and you remind us all that the CEO has BOUGHT NOTHING ( I like the Good news / Bad News angle )
* I think you understand the danger of CEO's buying illiquid bio-techs...tends to make them GO UP
* Then there's the Lexus lease coverage
* How bout that BNC financing...still "Not going well" ?
You should post a list of questions "you'll answer" - my favourite Dube moment
No Rube, I'm afraid you're trouble, but It would seem that buying stocks that you "analyze" is a good move.
I should post your detailed thank yous to me, as I "set you on the correct path" during the "openning of Spectral's backdoor" over at're familiar with Meddwell..right Dube ?