RE:To POPPS about the SHEEPLE / SELLERSveronikagermany wrote: Popps, you judged me and you said that I am offensive to other shareholders.
Instead of teaching me a code of ethics and how to behave publicly at the boards, you had better teach the SHEEPLE /SELLERS of TID the basics of investing.
It is the SHEEPLE /SELLERS who ruin your investment and your hard-earned money because they can NOT see the simple FACTS that all (including me) post here.
This SHEEPLE can not see a bit ahead, they ARE IN DENIAL, they do NOT read what WALTER DAWSON says......
I am a FRIEND of you and I fight to enlighten all here with FACTS.
I am NOT your enemy.
Get this and think of my words TWICE to see that I am right 100%.
Good luck.
It's not facts VG - IMO it's the tone sets people off.
If you think people invest in a rational / logical manner think again. Anyone in the investing community or CFA will concur that the psychology of investing and trading is far more complicated than that.
You continue to espouse facts that support a stronger valuation. That has nothing to do with the investor who is getting margined called by their bank, the investor who needs cash for Christmas, the investor who poured everything in only to see it erode to nothing and wants to preserve what little is left. These are only 3 reasons of a million that people continue to sell at $0.08.
I ask again - disclose (albeit unverified) your position and tell us how much you have bought at these levels.
You and Walter should have a JV at this point given your rhetoric.
Since my last post I have increased my holdings to 1.25MM shares ACB 0.09