the price of goldThere are many ways to measure the price of gold - one is as most people use the US $. Unfortunately the US $ seems to be worth less and less (albeit with hiccups) so I use other commodites and compare how many ounces of gold is required to buy that particular commodity. Yes the price of those commodities also fluctuate because you are comparing them to US $. Think of a one foot ruler where the size of an inch (US $) keeps getting smaller. You go from a 12 in to a 15 inch ruler but the actual length of the ruler hasn't changed - just what you use to measure it has. Having said that go back and start comparing what a car or a house cost (in ounces of gold) say in 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 and present day. I think this is a much more realistic view of what gold is "worth". Many will disagree stating inflation, bubbles,stagnation and other factors. All which do affect prices. Just my thoughts