In the past IB has done terrible financingsThere were 3 financing in which the shares ran up, and huge blocks halted any further progress. A short form was anounced and the share price plumented!
These financings were done as short form offerings.... In this market and this time frame (year end tax loss) this would be STUPID if they are in the process of doing this again.
I love this little companies potential, but the ability to break out has been sabatoged by those financings.
I`m not saying a financing is coming, or that it will be short form.... Just that the track record has been pathetic in this regard . The end result being the consolidation of shares.
The float has now been cleaned up and there is huge potential for investors to capitalize on the advances made in the past few years. You can see that it really wants to move up!
My hope is that if a financing is anounced, first ..... that is in the new year and secondly..... that it is a fixed price with half wt
An even better alternative would be to finance in one of the partners for a portion of the company.
I am cautously optomistic and hoping that a 4th blunder financing will not be in progress.