...by buying now. another 15,000 taken last couple days from the traders and put in the long term hands of me for safe keeping. as they push this lower I shall accumulate more. if we all do this, they will have less and less liquidity to play with. time for some of you to come out of your bunkers and take back the streets. or maybe some folks are just talk. it's times like these where we see who really believes and has the guts to throw down the money when there's fear all around them. only you can answer the call, or not. no guts, no nuts, no glory. if I'm wrong,and my timing's premature, so what...I'm not even thinking of selling until buyout or (hopefully) production. almost $200,000 dry powder I don't need for a few years and don't owe a dime to anyone, so if they want to sell me more cheapies, fine, but I hope they don't want them back before they hit a minimum $5.00 (buyout) or $20.00 (production).