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Arafura Rare Earths Ltd ARAFF

Arafura Rare Earths Limited is an Australia-based company that is engaged in the production of rare earth products. The Company produces rare earth products from the Nolans Project. The Nolans Project consists of a mine, process plant, including beneficiation, extraction and separation plants, and related infrastructure to be constructed and located at the Nolans site, approximately 135 kilometers north of Alice Springs in Australia's Northern Territory. Its rare earth products are Neodymium-Praseodymium (NdPr) oxide, and Mixed middle-heavy rare earths (SEG/HRE) oxide. NdPr oxide is the Company's flagship product, which is used by magnet and magnet alloy customers. The Company’s primary products from the Nolans project are rare earths, which are used in catalytic converters in automobiles, consumer electronics, energy efficiency lighting, optics, alloys, advanced ceramics and permanent magnets that enable e-mobility and renewable energy applications.

OTCPK:ARAFF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by Rockstoneon Dec 23, 2013 4:58am
Post# 22032249

The Knock-Out Criteria For Rare Earth Element Deposits

The Knock-Out Criteria For Rare Earth Element DepositsThere are many aspects to the success of a rare earth element (REE) deposit being developed into a mine. Yet the question arises: Why are so many REE projects not put into production while standing still with “robust” economic studies?

John Kaiser of Kaiser Research Online argues that there are 3 deal breakers when assessing the quality of a REE deposit: 1) rock value; 2) tonnage footprint; 3) distribution of metals. Does any of that include cutting the wheat from the chaff a.k.a. metallurgy?

Chinese refineries process mineral concentrate feeds of +30% TREO with +60% recoveries, and so this is what they are looking for. Consider that!

With REE deposits, it all comes down to acid consumption; typically the largest cost. Less material means less acid, which means less deleterious elements into solution, which means less cost to deal with that solution, and less complications throughout the process. The ability to produce a saleable mineral concentrate is paramount for REE companies aiming at developing their deposit into a mine.

However, finding public disclosure details on mineral concentrates is difficult or impossible in the REE sector as most tip toe around it. An obvious reason for this is the complexities in making a concentrate which meets the criteria of a refinery. It is often the case that only part of the information is disclosed, so that the reader cannot fully assess its significance.




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