See who was Dumping Today
Please note that 72% of all selling was done by Canaccord and Anonymous and Anonymous is a screen for sellers who don't even want us to know who their brokers are. Pasted from Stockwatch ... hope it displays properly. House Positions for LK from 20131231 to 20131231 Ex House Bought $Value Ave Sold $Value Ave Net $Net 2 RBC 148,000 25,884 0.17 16,425 2,832 0.17 131,575 -23,052 143 Pershing 63,000 11,510 0.18 0 63,000 -11,510 7 TD Sec 73,500 13,760 0.19 16,000 2,740 0.17 57,500 -11,020 85 Scotia 40,500 6,922 0.17 15,000 2,625 0.18 25,500 -4,297 80 National Bank 20,000 3,400 0.17 0 20,000 -3,400 9 BMO Nesbitt 23,500 4,282 0.18 4,000 720 0.18 19,500 -3,562 59 PI 25,000 4,125 0.17 11,000 2,090 0.19 14,000 -2,035 79 CIBC 61,100 10,918 0.18 48,500 8,745 0.18 12,600 -2,173 15 UBS 5,000 825 0.17 0 5,000 -825 58 Qtrade 3,500 665 0.19 0 3,500 -665 14 ITG 3,500 560 0.16 0 3,500 -560 95 Wolverton 425 72 0.17 1,100 201 0.18 -675 129 28 BBS 0 1,500 270 0.18 -1,500 270 99 Jitney 3,000 525 0.18 7,000 1,325 0.19 -4,000 800 68 Leede 0 21,000 3,570 0.17 -21,000 3,570 1 Anonymous 38,000 6,230 0.16 164,500 27,710 0.17 -126,500 21,480 33 Canaccord 1,000 175 0.18 203,000 37,025 0.18 -202,000 36,850 Total 509,025 89,853 0.18 509,025 89,853 0.18 0 0