PUT UP OR SHUT UP TESTFREAKSince our opinions of this company differ greatly I offer a genuine proposal for the PUMPERS.
I have tried to reson with the PUMPERS by offering factual information as to why I hold my current views of this stock but they have all been met by abuse and mutterings from those PUMPERS who are clearly clueless about the industry.
Given this I offer a genuine proposal of a wager in which I will stick my neck out and wager $5,000 that the SP of EGX will not make it to $0.50 by May 2014 as most of the PUMPERS are misleading this board to believe.
Since there is many PUMPERS here I think this wager could be divided up in 10 x $5000 or 5 x $1,000 but if the master of the PUMPERS, TESTFREAK, wishes to stump up the full $5,000 then so be it.
So, PUMPERS, this is the time to put your money where your mouths are and if you are so confident about your investment there is no better way to gain an easy $5,000.
As for the legal implications of this proposed wager I will assure you that I will do all the work to get it officially binding so they would be no way of non payment.
So, there you have it, time for the PUMPERS to put up or shut up.