Agricultural Growth Ethiopia Agricultural Growth Project
Ethiopia has established a strong vision to transform its agriculture into a sustainable market-led sector, and thereby achieve enhanced food security, environmental conservation, gender inclusion and equity; and contribute to the country achieving middle-income status by 2020. These goals will be achieved through a comprehensive strategy for the sector – the Agricultural Growth Project (AGP). The AGP is a priority for the Prime Minister and has attracted strong financial and technical support by development partners.
An independent body, the Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA), was established to coordinate implementation of AGP through key levers, including: creating an enabling environment; improving industry structure and engaging private sector; increasing productivity of smallholder farmers; improving frontline extension quality; and scaling irrigation and better land management. Interventions are focused on selected geographic clusters that have high potential for growth.
Investment Opportunities
Detailed business cases are available for 3 concrete investment opportunities:
A dedicated unit within ATA is also developing private sector partnerships to harness opportunities for market and agribusiness development, such as:
- Agribusiness along key value chains (wheat, maize, chickpeas, teff, soya bean)
- Supply systems of key inputs (seeds, fertilizers, crop protection products, machinery)
- Public advisory services e.g. animal health
- Infrastructure development (transport, warehousing, cold chain supply management, financial services)