I gave up "Days of Our Lives"....Who needs soaps with this kind of daytime drama happening. Wow I never witnessed more depravity on one forum nevermind walk of life in all my days. Its a total "he said, she said", shiteshow! How can so many people spend their existence on here belittling others, especially those who are not even shareholders... oh wait, yes, wait for it..... FOR SPORT! That is the only logical explanation here. If you do not like the company, hey guess what, you dont need to own shares (as you do not). You have the perogative to walk away and decide where you want to put your hard earned $, just as those who have invested here have. Please stop embarrassing yourselves by putting all your concentrated efforts into hypothesising on a company you have no stake in. Its crazy, just crazy!
I hve been reading this dribble for months... I am a shareholder and a large oneat that, I am not on here day and night flapping my gums about how the co has screwed me... I make my own decisions. Please try do to the right thing and make the right decision as well and spend your time and efforts realizing gains and not belittleing others for exercising their rights. Move on... its a big world with lots of options. Have a great day!