I have nothing to do with MSX - others on ignoreLast month I’m done with MSX chatters. There’s no deal; I repeat - NO DEAL with MSX and Steve Davis. ADubiousCharacter is fully identified and a liar. I have received nothing from MSX and don’t plan anything. On December 20, 2010 I sued MSX attorneys in Wyoming and Utah and exposed Ranspot to Uranium tailings liabilities and cover-ups.
I don’t need MSX. There will be an investigation because I had a 2010 binding verbal agreement and my information was used for Private Placement arrangements (smoking gun evidence received by MSX attorneys and illegally used for personal financial gains, including Alan Finlayson and Jorge's group in Chile)
It has been arranged for myself and others to meet, face-to-face, one at a time, with attorneys who have been directly involved in any aspect (hourly retainer – Chile, Canada- George Piatkowski of Vancouver Island, US); plus Tom Jackholm (role since 1992), Bruce Olivier, Terry Karenko, Alice Taylor, Jorge Lopehandia Cortes, Brent Johnson, Steve Holt, Colin Rider, Mike Roessler, Robert Scrannage, Reid Youngberg and many others, creating an equal plain for fiduciary responsibility investigation.