How much Mula $$,$$$,$$$.$$ will it take???To build that new FOG refinery in California??? In the 30mil$USD neighborhood??? Anyone care to chime in??? ======================== From: Danzik has aggressive growth goals for his new venture, and he is betting on his technology’s ability to generate an additional revenue stream by selling the fuel it derives from wastewater. Danzik hopes to triple the company’s customer base of 400 by the end of the year. The company is producing 120,000 gallons of fuel a week at its Missouri facility, which serves as both a wastewater treatment plant and a renewable diesel refinery. Until the company can bring a refinery in California online, the Missouri plant will continue to refine polymer-saturated water produced in California, which is currently trucked in at a cost of $2 per mile per load. The Missouri plant was once the location of a biodiesel operation which relied on poultry processing waste and fryer oil as feedstocks, but which was forced to close down in 2009. Danzik is undeterred, given that his company produces its renewable diesel exclusively from wastewater. “As long as the material we bring in is free, then we have no worries. We have the single largest hedge on the single largest traded commodity in the world. I make more margin than Exxon,” he said. - See more at: