RE:RE:RE:RE:If anyone thinks the lawsuits will magically disappear.....Pokin, you are the one missing the point. I am a shareholder of PVG because I think the long term potential reward exceeds the short term risk. However a rubber raft and the titanic have a lot in common. They both float on water and both can and do lead to loss of life when overoptimsm leads to a sinking event. Lawyers are in the legal businness solely for their financial benefit. If clients benefit that is an incidental consequence.
The law suits will continue , probably for years rather than months, untill the lawyers decide it is uneconomic to continue litigation. If has nothing to do with what engineers, gelogists, accountants , or the general public think about the merits of the case..
I encourage you to review my previous [posts about the likely benefit from Cleo. I think my original warnings have been vindicated by recent PVG announcements. Unless you have been directly involved in a mining lawsuit , like I have , I suspect I have way more knowledge on these things than yourself.