RE:Actually all this action is based on 21 hand picked.. Yes the news release was about the 21 hand picked samples of which 11 assayed Bonanza results...but what most of the board is overlooking is the massive stock pile of material that is ready for processing as we speak! This stock pile was abondoned when the price of silver dropped below $8.00 and the mine was forced to close up that the price is hovering around $20 the viability to go back and process the material is worth it. Which can result in BHS profiting anywhere between 4 to ?? million dollars and on top of that lets not forget about the 3000 meters of diamond driling completed in New Zealand at the Alexander property (GOLD) mine and the Spin off company to be announced "SPINCO" which will automatically add equity value to every share holders portfolio who currently owns Bayhorse Stock!! This company is in line to make shareholders a lot of money in the near future...IMO
PS I believe Bayhorse is now advertising the stock pile of material in their banner ads on this site.