Short ManipulationsWhat is going on with Bombardier in regards to the negativity, the increased short sales etc... has a very familiar feel to it...just look at Blackberry. What we are looking at is pure and simple market manipulation by hedge fund who will invest 100s of millions in short sales and then manipulate news etc... to drive the price down in order to make money. This is the only explanation as to why a company who announces billions of dollars in orders would see their SP go down because of one aspect of the company. In reality, every company who has ever done what Bombardier is doing today with the C series has had delays, so it should not be of any surprise. What we are looking at is manipulation of the news, concentrating on every bit of bad news and blow it out of proportion while keeping the good news buried. If you are long and believe in this companie's future, then just hang on and this will all blow over when the hedge funds have milked this SP for a while and decide to move on.