So many false AlarmsDon't get me wrong, I really believe that SJL is very undervalued with several potenti producing properties in Quebec .
These properties are at least equal or perhaps better than CCB 's former Miller Mine......there is a common denominator to the former Walker and CCB's Miller mine....that being that Paul Olgivie acquired both.
But how many times have we seen SJL move from 4.5 cents to 6.5 cents and the next day fall back to 4.5 cents as occured this week.
We now discover that Pinetree had 5.5 million shares to unload when most of us thought Pinetree had previosly sold their position. Management needs to sort this out as it is not helping the Company to finance at higher and more realistic prices.
Why too is there such a long delay in providing results on the existing properties particularly Walker where there has been NO NEWS since mid November ?
The CEO of this company is as NEw Class A suggested being paid $25K a month BEFORE doing anything to enhance the share price which stands at 4.5 is a good sign usually when someone produces something for the shareholders before being rewarded . I have no doubt of his ability to produce but we need some RESULTS that will sustain any GAINS .
If they had provided RESULTS on Walker and confirmation that ALL IS WELL in SRI LANKA the everything could be SO SO MUCH BETTER even if Pinetree gained a few cents on their Investment.
It is becoming VERY FRUSTRATING for the shareholders who are waiting patiently for EXPLORATION RESULTS. PLEASE MR OLGIVIE ADDRESS THIS LEGITIMATE CONCERN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!