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Sirona Biochem Corp V.SBM

Alternate Symbol(s):  SRBCF

Sirona Biochem Corp. is a cosmetic ingredient and drug discovery company with a proprietary technology platform developed at its laboratory facility in France with a specialization in the stabilization of carbohydrate molecules. The Company is exploring the areas of diabetes, dyschromia, anti-aging, anti-cellulite and antiviral therapies and relies on a business model of licensing patents to large organizations in return for up-front and milestone payments as well as royalties. Its two most advanced programs are the cosmetic skin lightener and diabetes drug. The Company's TFC-1067 is for the treatment of Dyschromia (Dark spots on the skin). GlycoProteMim is a novel anti-aging compound. GlycoProteMim is based on the naturally occurring glycoproteins found in Antarctic fish, known to protect them against environmental stressors. It is focused on three current antiviral categories: Neuraminidase Inhibitors, Nucleoside Analogs and Iminosugars. Its wholly owned subsidiary is TFChem S.A.R.L.

TSXV:SBM - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by Clinterooon Jan 29, 2014 12:33am
Post# 22145641

RE:RE:News tomorrow...

RE:RE:News tomorrow...Not sure but I have never seen anything like that either. I like the idea of a French grant announcement.
Bullboard Posts