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SOL Global Investments Corp V.SOL

Primary Symbol: C.SOL Alternate Symbol(s):  SOLCF

SOL Global Investments Corp. is a Canada-based diversified international investment and private equity holding company, which is engaged in investing in small and mid-cap sectors. The Company’s investments range from minority positions to strategic holdings with active advisory mandates with an objective of providing shareholders with a long-term return through capital appreciation, dividends, and interest from its investments. The investment sectors are primarily cannabis but also include retail, agriculture, quick-service restaurant (QSR) & hospitality, media technology & gaming, clean energy, and new age wellness.

CSE:SOL - Post by User

Comment by seemoreinfoon Jan 29, 2014 8:39pm
Post# 22150806

RE:RE:Rochester’s production increasing higher gold silver grades.

RE:RE:Rochester’s production increasing higher gold silver grades.INTERESTING FED announced a second tapering of its bond buying program but the gold price IS UP.
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