RE:Managementthelastclass wrote:
Management has issued almost 100,000 bonus shares to themselves and even some wives have bought in January, see URG:US SEC. Furthermore, it's interesting that URG's Research has a $2.20 ceiling. Wouldn't that translate to $2.40 Canadian. I imagine, my opinion, that income tax plays a part in not releasing a year end financial statement. does anyone know how long they can delay under SEC rules? I read, somewhere on the net that URZ & UEX are listed on the Russell2000 and that URG is not. That apparently affects the exposure that URE is not getting. Comments on this welcomed.
Management has done an absolutely great job so far. Exceeded expectations in every NR. So, it doesn't bother me that they want to pay themselves. Compensation has seemed reasonable to me thus far.
I'm not sure when financials will be out but we have our guidance already. The one metric left is cash on hand that I'm a little curious about but considering they withdrew the other $5M loan, I'm not concerned by any means. I am more curious as it may give an indication as to how much U will be sold into spot pricing and how much they may hold on to for later sales as the spot price increases.
URE is listed on the Russell3000, as far as I am aware. I do not know about URZ's or UEX's current listings as all three companies have moved on and off the list previously. I'm sure a quick Google search would find the answer.